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FYI, my single item was SOLD TO and PAID FOR by 2 separate buyers

This is just informational. I had a single item listing as auction with  buy it now also. It sold, and in my sold list, when I went to print a label, the name on the label was different than listed as the buyer. I just figured, [like I have done myself], someone bought it for someone else and sent it to them directly, so didn't think anything odd. I package the item, took it to the PO, mailed and when I came home and checked, my sold listing still had the icon to ship and print a shipping label. This seemed odd, since I already had purchased, printed and got an email from ebay re: the label.  So I contacted the buyer to let them know there seemed a glitch in ebay not showing the item as shipped [at least it looked like they were the buyer, both by name in my sold list AND on the original listing under bids]. They responded that the name/address of the label was unknown to them...hmm. Thinking this perhaps was some kind of skulduggery, I tried to retrieve my package from my PO, only it had already been picked up. I came home to try and see what was up. I went to my payment transactions [thinking I could see how they had paid and whether paypal or? had messed up addresses?] and there in transactions were TWO separate orders, TWO separate payments received, TWO separate buyers for the SAME, SINGLE item. [the buyer  ebay printed the label for, paid $3 more, like they had bought using the buy it now price, BUT I never received any email re: this buyer or their payment, but did receive email about the other buyer and their payment. Also, when you looked at the finished listing, the buyer that the label printed for was nowhere to be seen.  Hmmm....So, I contacted customer service, who got their tech folks involved, everyone agreeing it was most unusual, and after 30 minutes [they were VERY nice to deal with] was advised they would be trying to 1. figure out what happened, 2. resolve it, and for now not to refund the buyer who the package did not go to and I should hear from tech in 24-48 hrs. The buyer who isn't getting the package I could contact and advise, but the buyer who is getting the package I couldn't contact using a variety of contact person buttons UNTIL today, when I tried the contact buyer button in the transaction area of my payments.  They verified they had received the item and they were happy. I contacted customer service today as it was 48 hrs and had not heard from tech,  and got the OK to refund buyer #2, and was advised the investigation from tech support [the ticket] is still in process...Both times with customer service I was told, "this was something they had never encountered". So, hopefully the techie types will have fun,[I'm not holding my breath on an explanation of what happened]. Maybe someone else has enjoyed hearing this journey. [I'm wondering if the auction bidder and the buy it now bidder, just happened to press their buttons at the same time, confusing the poor ebay computer system???]. FOR ME, the lesson I learned is when the label has a name different than what it shows the final buyer to be CHECK the payment transactions.  AND FYI: I DEFINITELY DID NOT DO THIS LISTING AS A MULTIPLE ITEM LISTING

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Re: FYI, my single item was SOLD TO and PAID FOR by 2 separate buyers

I read that whole solid block of text, with difficulty, but I was intrigued with what happened.


May I suggest that in the future, you break up all that text with a blank line or two to make it easier to read?  At least using mixed case is MUCH BETTER than reading a whole block of UPPER CASE text.

Volunteer Community Member

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Re: FYI, my single item was SOLD TO and PAID FOR by 2 separate buyers

From my rambling text, I guess you got to experience some of my confusion generated by this event!

Thanks for your input, hopefully I'll not need to be so long winded ever again.

If I do, I'll follow your recommendation. 

I still have heard nothing from ebay re: any resolution/explanation of what happened.

I am unable to leave feedback on the transaction, and the final buyer [to whom the shoes were sent], does not see the item in her my ebay purchase history, nor can she leave me any feedback.

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